Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Way-Long, Overdue Update

Okay, I guess I will somewhat attempt to update my blog. Sorry I haven't been very good about it, but that's what happens when you get a job. I am impressed with my sister in law, Sharane. She has 4 kids: a 7 yr-old, a 5 yr-old, a 23 mo-old, and a 3 mo-old, yet she still manages to somehow update her blog. I guess pictures make the posts look longer. (Maybe that is the key! Who knows?)

Things have been going good. Brad is loving school, because this semester is "the programming semester". The only problem he has is that he already knows how to program, but there are very few others who also know how to program. As a result, he gets asked A LOT of questions, then doesn't get his own work done. Oh, well he seems to manage. He doesn't, however, like his Oral Communications class. His teacher has the assumption that everyone knows how to speak well in front of an audience and are able to write speeches at a moments notice. Umm... Wrong! Why do you think these students are taking these classes, other than the fact that they are required to take them.

The kids are doing great for the most part. Raelynn still has issues with Braiden going to school and leaving her at home. She is annoyed that Emilee can't play with her like Braiden can, she doesn't understand that babies are fragile. As for Braiden, he appears to be loving school, especially recess (who doesn't?) . I was wondering, though, if any one else has this problem. Braiden acts nice as pie in the morning, then goes somewhere, in this situation school, and is well behaved. When he comes home, as soon as he crosses the threshold, he becomes the total opposite, a little terror. His teacher says he is well behaved, always eager to answer questions, helpful, and kind. She, also, says he is above average (in a class of 27- **side note, I wouldn't have the patience to teach 27 kindergartners and having to learn Spanish to top it off. kudos to Ms Hendrix). He was never like this until he started school, I mean Braiden and Raelynn will listen to everyone else except us.

You may be wondering about Emilee, she is now 6 months old. At the moment, her favorite thing is her voice and feet. She loves to screem as loud as she can, and/or chew on her feet. Why is the time when babies discover their feet about the same time their feet start touching the ground? (Either through crawling or wiggling or others mimicking walking) She has been trying to get one of her bottom teeth in, now her top gums are swollen. She is "Miss Drools-a-Lot". She is also attempting to crawl. She pushes her knees under her, then pushes her body up. It is quite funny to see her on the bed where there is a little give in the mattress. She can't really go anywhere, but tries as hard as she can. She squeals with joy as she becomes active, some times it is so loud your eardrums hurt and you wonder if you have some kind of damage. But we love her regardless. We love all our children they way they are. We would like them to act differently, but it is the way they will be at this moment, so we will take it as it is. There is not a dull moment in our house. One minute can be happy, laughing, and fun. The very next, without missing a beat, is the total opposite: screaming, "he hit me", or "she broke my Lego tower", or (this is for Brad) "she puked on me AGAIN, that 3 times in an hour, what gives". He is the human baby puke machine. I can feed and burp her, but after Brad takes her, within minutes, she will give the food right back. She has been trying other solid foods. So far, she likes rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, pears, and CARROTS, but is not too sure about bananas, and sweet potatoes.

Well as you can see we have been surviving AZ, it has been an adventure.

I'm sorry I have tired your eyes out, now you are needing eye drops or a rest, so I better be going to let you get the rest you deserve for reading such a long update. Thanks for reading.

Love you all
, Theresa.

This is Emilee trying to chew on her foot.
It amazing how limber babies are.


Sandra said...

My kids did the same thing once they went into school. Acting more independent and know it alls. I have to constantly remind them the appropriate way to talk to mom.

PITT STOP said...

Lynnette Tomlinson wrote
at 4:34pm on November 7th, 2008
yeah for brad the baby puke machine.