Sunday September 28, 2008, was the Vineyard Ward's Annual Primary Program held during the Sacrament meeting of church. We think it went rather well for how many children were participating. The last few weeks leading up to the actual program day the primary leaders were stressing to each child the importance of memorizing each individuals parts. If they did, they would receive a special treat. It didn't take long for Braiden and Raelynn to memorize their parts, needless to say, they were very excited to get their treats. So, come Sunday they were confident of themselves and they would remember their parts. The program started out with the Bishop singing, "I am a child of God". He said he was terrified to sing alone, he can sing in a choir, but not by himself, we think he did a pretty good job. The sole was the signal for the children to take their places on the stage. When it came time for Raelynn, she was soooooo excited that she ran across to the stairs, then ran up the stairs and to the podium. From where Brad & I were sitting, in the overflow, you could hear the rummbling of her footsteps. When she reached the podium (where the primary Pres. was sitting to help), she was right in front of the mic and said, "I need a tissue, I need a tissue." Oh my, how embarrassing, the audience had a good laugh out of it. She then finished her part with a little assistance. A sister that was sitting near us said that was a good ice breaker, that is what makes memories. As it came nearer to Braiden's turn I could see him getting either nervous or excited, I couldn't tell, well it didn't matter because he didn't show any signs of either emotion when he stood to say his part. This was Braiden and Raelynn's first primary program they have performed in. We moved to Arizona from our previous ward (Riverbend) in Utah about 3 or so weeks before they held their program. Braiden was sooo bumbed, Raelynn was in nursery still so she didn't care.
We so missed the wonderful brother and sisters from the Riverbend ward, we really felt like we belonged, we now feel the same way with our ward here in the Vineyard ward. They took us in & helped even though we hadn't officially moved into the ward boundaries yet. We had a baby & moved on the same day, I am not joking ask Brad's oldest brother Dan, he was there. Dan's wife Sharane sent him to help us pack up the house since I couldn't do much (I was due in 3 weeks), well as you can see that came earlier than expected, oh well everything worked out.
I guess I will let your eyes rest for a while.
Love you all, Theresa
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