Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Today was Raelynn and Emilee's check up.

Raelynn is doing great, she is in the 50 percentile for height(??) and weight (34 lbs) for her age. She did not want an shots, (just like any other child), the nurse we saw at first could not hold her down, so we had a stronger nurse come in to help. She laid Raelynn down on her back with her legs dangling over the edge and had me lay across her holding her hands, then the nurse jabbed the needles in her legs. Holy crap, I have no hearing anymore, I don't think I have ever hear her scream that loud before. She was OK after we went out to the car & I mentioned "Ice Cream", isn't that the cure all medicine for kids.

Emilee is doing great as well, she is a lot bigger than we thought. She is 14.7 lbs (75 percentile) and 25 1/4 inches long (95 percentile). I had mentioned to Brad that her 3-6 month old clothes were too tight, I could barley snap them up and even if I could they would come off her shoulders, now we know why. We're glad that some one in our family will have some height. She is such a pig when it comes to eating, she eats as if she never did. Raelynn on the other hand won't eat -typical for the age.

Any ways now we wait to see if they get sick, gosh I hope not I hate getting sick, I have gotten enough of spit up from Emilee. We had to switch to Simliac soy formula due to spit up and fussiness (that only gave her more), doc gave her liquid Zantac to help (that made her spit up even more than before), they're not the ones who have to clean up the aftermath (thank goodness for carpet steam cleaners), so we took a leap of hope and tried Nestle Good Start with supreme Soy proteins- it helps with easier digestion. Yay it worked, she no longer spits up to extent that she did. It's weird that one thing works for one baby and doesn't for another. Everyone is different. I had complications with nursing so that is why I needed to use formula.

Love ya, Theresa

1 comment:

Sharane said...

Your girls are doing great!
Bummer when they have to get shots though. :(
Emma is still in the 4% or something like that. We will see how she is doing at her 2 year check up in Nov.
I really miss you guys, so glad you have a blog!
Love you all!
-Sharane :)