Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter April 24, 2011

I strong too...
Now she is Queen of the Rocks...
Aww, 3 angles...

Mommy and Daughters..

Err, I strong...

Errr, not happy.
Second and final attempt... Aww, how tender. Father and Son.
Errr, must....get... bottle .... open...
Brad was getting annoyed.. so he sat on Braiden, stupid camera didn't take picture fast enough.

First attempt ..

Did you just fart....haahah.
Squirrel... hahaahhaha
Yummm, I gunna eat you.... hahahahahah

Pretty flower for a pretty girl.
We decided to get Family Pictures done since we haven't had a REAL picture done in a while (that looked half way decent.)
Brad and I were WAY surprised that the kids cooperated as much as they did. I did have bribe them with Jelly beans at the end.

This is what the Easter bunny brought everyone..Speckles jelly beans, bubbles, fun dip bottles, jump ropes, strawberry soda. bunny / chicky peeps, chocolate bunnies, and cadbury mini eggs. Mmmm, Jealous much... Bunny forgot to leave his carrots and cheese behind to counter act all the sugar.. oh well that is what a park is for, right.

1 comment:

Sharane said...

Hurray for a new post! I love all of the photos! So glad you had them taken! Looks like a y'all had a GREAT Easter! We miss you all!!