Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Calling

I forgot to inform all you wonderful readers of a new event that has happened to Theresa. She/I am now, and have been for about a month now, the teacher of 5 Valiant 9 year old girls. What can I say, it feels and seems odd teaching children that are just about the same height if not already taller than me. I have had comments made that I just blend in with the primary since I am the same height. Ha Ha very funny. That's ok I've heard a lot, maybe all short jokes, but my favorite is "Duck, because I don't have to". I wanted to get a license plate boarder with that saying on it, but never did. One day I will, you just wait and see. Now all I hope for is that my kids will get a portion or all of either my Great grandpa Rowley (dad's grandpa) or my Grandpa Bowerbank (mom's dad) 's height. Only time will tell. Keep your finger crossed. If not, that's ok whatever they is what they get, they will have to make the most out of it.

Love Ya, Theresa.


Sandra said...

Congrats, what a fun calling. The older ones are nice because they arn't as rowdy :) Well most of the time eh?

Sharane said...

Yay for you! I teach valiant 9 in our ward too. It really is a great age. I have both boys and girls in my class. That made me laugh when you mentioned blending in with the primary kids. You're so cute!
I hope you enjoy your new calling.

Love ya!

-Sharane :)

Dynamic duo said...

You're so cute ... love your blog. "Duck, because you don't have to?" That's funny.

Cristine said...

Congratulations on your new calling!!! That's a fun age to teach! I teach the 12-14 years olg (combined classes)...do you want o trade?! ;) Hugs